About Us

Handbags & Gladrags (NI) are committed to providing customers with quality handbags and accessories at affordable prices.

We constantly monitor the latest fashion trends so that our customers can be provided with the very latest styles.

We offer excellent customer service and always strive to improve the online shopping experience for our customers.

Our stock is updated on a regular basis so check back regularly for new lines or sign up to our newsletter to receive regular updates.

Special Offers and promotions will be available regularly. Please sign up to our newsletter to receive notice of these offers.

If you have any queries about any of our products please contact us via email. We aim to respond to all emails within one working day,

We hope you enjoy your online shopping experience with us and welcome any feedback you may have via email.

We offer a 7 day no quibble refund service. If the item is not suitable for any reason, please return the item in unused and in the condition it was received. All refunds will be dealt with promptly.

Deliveries within the UK will be within five working days once payment is received, this is usually quicker, but we allow five working days to allow for unforeseen circumstances.

Most deliveries will be via Amazon or Royal Mail's Delivery service. We do on occasion use a courier service depending on the size and weight of the item.